Bristol Splunch #25 ... Cancelled
Saturday, May 16, 2020 at 2:00pm

Added by Mike Nomic
12 attending
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It's a 'vanilla' pub social meet - drink, chat, meet'n'greet, listen, learn, advise, offer opinions, discuss substances, etc, make friends, maybe arrange a session. This is usually followed by a meal in the evening, and an outdoor mud session the following day; always subject to the bl**dy weather.
Location & Info:
Horts Bar, 49 Broad Street, Bristol, BS1 2EP
Sploshman  3/4/20
Will be there Report
Potatoman-J  3/3/20
Gee, bummer Penny... Glorious Nihon vs. missing 1 of many near by splunches. Report
Navy  11/14/19
Would love to come to one off these meets and try it ,very interested in the mud part in my uniformReport
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